Software projects of general interest that I’ve been working on:
I am a co-maintainer of and regularly contribute new functionality to the igraph network analysis package.
IGraph/M is Mathematica package for doing graph theory and complex network analysis. It is built on top of igraph, but it also includes many additional features.
IGraphR is a Mathematica package for calling igraph functions through Mathematica’s R interface. Read a short introduction here.
MaTeX is a Mathematica package for creating figure labels using LATEX. Now you can have flawless typesetting in Mathematica-made publication figures!
LTemplate is a system that makes it quick and easy to extend Mathematica with C++ functions. It is used as the basis of IGraph/M.
MATLink is a Mathematica package that allows seamlessly calling MATLAB functions from Mathematica and transferring data structures between the two systems. Most major MATLAB datatypes are supported, including
. To my knowledge, it is the most complete third-party MATLAB interface to any system. Co-developed with Ravi Menon.
Some Mathematica-related things, including more packages I developed.